Better Movements

Elastic structure allows better foot movements. Since there is no pressure point, running, walking, hiking, bicycling and play sports will be much easier.


You can lace your Curly Shoelaces in many different ways to make your own fashion statement. You can lace'em up by untwisting as you pull'em through the holes.

Why Tie Laces?

Aren't you tired of tieing your shoelaces? How many times a day you ask your kids to tie their laces? It's a simple solution that makes your life a little easier.

Upcoming Events

Follow our upcoming street fair events around New York City. By clicking on image, you will find locations and schedules for street fairs. Rain or Shine, we will take place.

Better Movements

Designed For Sports

Elastic structure allows better foot movements. Since there is no pressure point, running, walking, hiking, bicycling and play sports will be much easier. Loose end of the shoelaces can easily be caught between bicycle's chain. With Curly Shoelaces, you can be sure that your child or yourself will never have to worry about your untied shoelaces getting caught in bicycles chain.

Why Tie Your Shoelaces ?

Aren't you tired of tieing your shoelaces? How many times a day you ask your kids to tie their laces? It's a simple solution that makes your life a little easier.

Quick Tips

Ends are too long ?
Cut the ends off and simply burn the loose ends.
Are they dirty ?
Curly Shoelaces are machine washable and reusable
Will they fit in your shoe ?
Curly Shoelaces expand up to 40 inches and they fit any size of shoes.

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