Return Policy

Return and Exchange policy is limited. Unfortunately, we don't accept any returns. We believe that our merchandise's presentation is satisfactory, therefore refunding is not an option.

Exchange Policy

Our extended exchange policy covers all customers in the United States and around the World. Although manufacturer gives 2 year guarantee, gives 1 year guarantee. Consumer must return the defective laces. After the inspaction, we will send you a new pair of Curly Shoelace. Proof of purchase must be presented upon shipping. Make sure to have valid dates on the receipt. If purchase date is more a year and consumer already returned the defective merchandise, is not responsible for any further action. Shipping fees must be paid by consumer. is not responsible for the cost of shippings.

Legal notice for Extended Exchange Policy

Retailer, " (Shoelaces You Never Tie) has every right to change, extend, or end extended exchange policy. Buyers who shop from or any of our locations accepts this policy.

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